Crochet Trick: Invisible Finish

Every crochet project needs to be finished by weaving in all yarn ends. However, the endpoint remains visible as a little dent in your project. There is a trick to eliminate that dent. You won’t be able to see the endpoint at all! It is called the invisible finish (a.k.a. invisible fasten off or invisible ending).

The neat effect of the invisible finish trick
Left circle: when you directly weave in the yarn end, the endpoint remains visible as a dent in the edge of the circle.
Right circle: when you finish the yarn end with the invisible finish trick, you see nothing!

How to make an invisible finish – step by step
The invisible finish is essentially an extra fake stitch to cover up the end point. Follow the instructions in the fotos to find out exactly how it’s done.

The first foto shows a completed crochet circle. There is a small loop from which the yarn end emerges. For an invisible finish, you make a fake stitch using a needle before you weave in the yarn end.
The small loop of the end point (in the picture indicated with a green dot) will be laid over the stitch directly next to it (pink dot). To achieve this, you make a fake stitch over the second stitch from the end point (purple dot). Therefore, you need to insert your needle one stitch further that that, because this is the path that the loop with the purple dot takes.
Then insert your needle from front to back through the end point loop. This is exactly where the yarn came from to start with.
Pull the yarn end. The end is now invisible and you can weave in the yarn end like you normally would.

Neat isn’t it? You can use this invisible finish technique for finishing all sorts of projects. This basic crochet circle can be used as an eco friendly face scrubbie. Find the free crochet pattern for this simple scrubbie in the third Home of Yarns crochet lesson. Have fun crocheting!


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